To search for plays you just have to decide what theme, values, behaviors or attitudes you want to work on. Write it at the top. Automatically all the entries of the works that work with it come out. For example, if you put Christmas you will get all the entries that work on that topic. The themes on which I have grouped the works are friendship, harassment, disability, discrimination, seasons of the year, family, fears, nature, prejudice, Christmas, among others. Each entry also has a series of labels that will guide you to discover them. The works to work with 3 years, are indicated at the entrance. They are the ones I recommend to start working with these ages. On other occasions I specify 5 years due to its greater complexity. In the case of not specifying the age, it means that they are valid for 4 and 5 years.

Special mention deserves the theme of Christmas, whose works are specified by age.

Each entry has its previous summary before fully introducing you to it. Once inside the entrance you access the video of said work if it had one, so you can get an idea of how I worked on it. The text comes that you can download to adapt it to your class. Within this script you have a series of indicators that will guide you for its proper development such as the list of characters, and the staging where the recommended age appears, approximate duration time, costumes, setting, summary and theme worked on, with the remarkable values and attitudes.

I hope that this paragraph will guide you in its use and make the most of it.


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