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My name is M.ª Teresa Moreno, Maite for friends. I am an early childhood education teacher and writer. Born in Madrid in 1968. I live in Fuenlabrada where I work, with great enthusiasm, teaching my little ones, a source of continuous inspiration.

I have always loved writing. Imagine endearing, brave and non-conformist characters, who, in the first person, are masters of their destiny. Both in my stories and in my plays, I show the world, with the eyes of a girl, a world that is wonderful to intervene and where they and they are the true protagonists.

As a short story writer, I write books for ages 3 to 8. The themes are varied and current, and with characters as different as, a "dumb" hand that goes free, a cat, called Moo, owner of a farm, wayward clouds or brave stars, going through independent princesses, singular girls / boys like Juan Enfados or Nuria Melodramas, good monsters who overcome fear and stories that tell us about Christmas and the Three Kings, in a very different way.

As a playwright I am a pioneer in this last genre, for writing plays to be performed by the whole classroom at an early age. Imagine the work performed by 25 children between 3, 4, 5 and 6 years old. Whether as main or secondary characters, they all have their role. The works are easy to make and in increasing complexity, as the creative process progresses. Its theme is attractive, full of values such as overcoming fears, loving ourselves as we are, disability, harassment, prejudice, family diversity, friendship and everything with

large doses of humour.

Experience of more than twenty years, performing theater with these ages. More than 100 written works. In the address of the blog you can see numerous works done in recent years.


Through this blog you will be able to access numerous plays, with which to work on many themes: friendship, harassment, discrimination, family, seasons of the year, fears, nature and Christmas, among others.
Dare to enter this world where a star overcomes his fear of the Night, a Sunflower is accepted by an exclusive garden of red roses and Three Stars demonstrate how to overcome harassment. Enjoy with the little angels saving Christmas. Meet Doña Hortensia and her family, Rosa and her great friend Sunflower, who shows us the prejudices we create. Discover how a Sun looks for a home in another place and a White Star demonstrates how diversity enriches the universe.



The lights come on. Silence falls. Boys and girls sit on the floor waiting for the play to begin. At last it starts. The narrator begins the story. A simple story, easy to understand and interpret for the class that makes it. It barely lasts fifteen minutes. At the end, happiness on the faces of the boys and girls who perform it and great applause from the public. Once alone, we discussed our performance in the assembly. We see the mistakes, we comment on the interpretation of the characters, we give guidelines for a better development of the work in the future. At the end of the assembly, one last question arises, sir, when do we hold the next one? And this makes me think. The idea of including theater in my classroom was the result of chance. I wanted to complete a children's literature workshop with a genre that we barely touch in class, which is theatre. The lack of works aimed at these ages made me make a decision. I would write the play myself, adapting myself to the characteristics of the children I had. In this way they accessed a little represented literary genre. Without previous experience, I researched on the ground, took the basic outline of a children's play and created my own. Everyone had a role in them. I still remember it, it was the “Story of the little seed”. I was writing down the details of the development of the work and how the boys and girls were making it their own. Of these years ago. And I have never stopped doing theater. Now the class I have is five years. They have been with me since I was three years old and it is the fifth play that I have prepared with them. They already have theater experience. The ease and confidence in their possibilities is noted. And all this without impositions and without any obligation. All the boys and girls have chosen the character that they liked the most and with which they feel best interpreting. And, in addition, through these interpretations that make them so happy, they learn

Yes, through theater, I have managed to get the boys and girls in my class to know themselves better, understand better how they feel and why they feel that way, as well as better express their entire inner world and the environment that surrounds them.

I bet on the theater for the reasons I have alluded to earlier. Boys and girls must learn to use all the means of expression within their reach, among them, the theater. They must learn to know it, to express themselves through it, as happens with plastic arts or music. And always from the base, so that when they reach primary school, that theatrical experience is present in future works, so that the theater becomes, why not? In an extracurricular activity also as important as music or football in their lives.

Collected as one more means of expression to be developed in the curriculum, it appears reflected in the objectives and contents. We deal with its presence in the curriculum and its formative potentialities in the following section.


The importance of theater for early childhood education is already reflected from the general objectives, in the pedagogical proposal. Encompassed within the area of languages as one more language to be developed and referred to as children's dramatization, it is included within the general objectives and the contents that must be worked on. It is therefore about teaching children to use theater as another means of

expression and thus take advantage of their formative potential for full development.

Dare to introduce it in your classroom.

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